Now Available - Development Code Diagnostic Report

We're excited to announce the release of the City of Dallas Development Code Diagnostic Report! This report evaluates Dallas' existing development regulations (Chapter 51A) and introduces a series of new concepts and approaches aimed at creating a zoning ordinance that's intuitive, predictable, and user-friendly.

In addition to thorough analysis of existing plans, policies, and the Development Code itself, extensive engagement and internal collaboration played a significant role in preparing the Code Diagnostic Report. Beginning in December of 2023, the consultant team conducted more than 30 stakeholder interviews with representatives from local community groups, developers, realtors, engineers, architects, numerous City departments, and members of various City boards and commissions. These interviews offered stakeholders the opportunity to identify aspects of the existing Code they find problematic or in need of revision, as well as elements they believe should be retained. Discussions also extended beyond the existing Code, enabling stakeholders to address broader development-related issues in Dallas that might inform the overall Zoning Reform effort.

Following the stakeholder interviews, consultants began drafting the Diagnostic Report and conducted numerous internal discussions with City staff to complete the report. These sessions allowed for thorough discussion, evaluation, refinement of concepts, and alignment with community priorities, ensuring the diagnostic report accurately reflects the City's vision and objectives for the Zoning Reform project.

The Code Diagnostic Report establishes a foundation for significant improvements to the City’s development regulations—encouraging affordable housing, supporting sustainable growth, clarifying design standards, and enhancing transparency in development approvals, among other improvements. Your feedback will be essential as we refine the concepts and approaches within this report and move into drafting new regulations that will shape the future of development in Dallas.

We encourage you to start exploring the diagnostic report today, and to join the conversation about a future ready Dallas.


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